From Hiba R.

I waited two weeks before leaving this review. That way, I could speak to both the short term and long term impact Acupuncture had on my mother.

My mom suffers from osteoarthritis and chronic hip pain that has almost debilitated her ability to walk. She walks with excruciating pain, and something as simple as turning in her sleep caused so much pain that it would wake her. She tried all sorts of medicines and Cortisone injections and high-level pain medication. Nothing worked.

Someone suggested Acupuncture, and coming from a family of physicians who lean heavily towards Western medication, there wasn't support for the idea. One day, she came to visit me in Tampa, and I booked her an appointment for acupuncture at Anna Health Clinic. She was hesitant, but finally agreed to go.

The experience there was truly miraculous.

As she lay on the table in a position that was clearly uncomfortable for her, the doctor asked her to move her hips left to right and identify where she felt the most pain. She said the right hip was causing her excruciating pain. The doctor put in some pins and asked her once again her hips. He asked her if she still felt pain in the right hip. I am writing in this much detail because I am assuming that anyone reading these reviews might be suffering something similar. And I want you to know that as a daughter, the look on my mother's face when the doctor asked if she was still feeling pain was priceless.

"No. Where did the pain go?"  She asked.

We left that appointment in shock, and my mother's first request was to book another appointment. I did, and we addressed other areas of pain at the next appointment. Since then, it has been two weeks. She still says her pain in those areas is mostly gone; her quality of life (and sleep!) has improved, and I'm fairly confident she'll be visiting me more frequently. :)